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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Newsweek imagines Diana aged 50 with her admiring daughter-in-law Kate... in article that claims the Botoxed Princess would be Facebook friends with C


NewsweekLogo-1 [Converted] Newsweek even mocked up an image of an older Diana and her new daughter-in-law Kate for the cover

Had she lived Princess Diana would be Facebook friends with arch-nemesis Camilla Parker-Bowles, have 10million Twitter followers and an 'it's complicated' relationship status.

At least that's what Tina Brown's Newsweek thinks in a front-page lead article that imagines what the late Princess would be doing at 50.

The piece hits newsstands days before July 1, which would have been Diana's milestone birthday.

And the cover features a superimposed image of the Princess which has been digitally aged, walking next to her new daughter-in-law, Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge.

The picture shows Prince William's wife giving her mother-in-law, who is still trim with barely a few wrinkles, an admiring glance.

The article - entitled Diana at 50 - is written by British journalist Tina Brown, editor-in-chief of Newsweek.

Newsweek imagines Diana aged 50 with her admiring daughter-in-law Kate... in article that claims the Botoxed Princess would be Facebook friends with Camilla  2 Friends? Newsweek fondly imagines Diana would have buried the hatchet with Camilla Parker Bowles, seen far right at the Royal Wedding, and friended her on Facebook. It also believes the Duchess of Cambridge's mother Carole Middleton, left, would be Diana's BFF (best friends forever)

In the piece Brown also imagines Diana would be living in New York, after having married two more times.

She believes Diana would have dumped Dodi Fayed, the boyfriend who died in the August 1997 car crash that took her life.

Brown paints a flattering picture of the Princess, saying: 'Fashion-wise, Diana would have gone the J Crew and Galliano route a la Michelle Obama, always knowing how to mix the casual with the glam.

Newsweek imagines Diana aged 50 with her admiring daughter-in-law Kate... in article that claims the Botoxed Princess would be Facebook friends with Camilla  3 Moved on: Diana would have ditched Dodi Fayed, who died with her in the fatal 1997 crash, and be on to at least her third marriage, according to Newsweek

'There is no doubt she would have kept her chin taut with strategic Botox shots and her bare arms buff from the gym.'

Brown - who wrote the book The Diana Chronicles - says the mother-of-two would have a good relationship with ex-husband Prince Charles and be BFF (best friends forever) with Carole Middleton, William's mother-in-law.

She says: 'I believe her best male friend in later years would have been, poignantly, her reviled first husband.

Newsweek imagines Diana aged 50 with her admiring daughter-in-law Kate... in article that claims the Botoxed Princess would be Facebook friends with Camilla  4 Happy couple: Diana would have been an avid tweeter and would have posted 'So so so so proud' on her feed on the day of the Royal Wedding, says Newsweek

'As the financier Sir James Goldsmith once put it: "When you marry your mistress, you create a job vacancy", and Charles, having married Camilla would suddenly have found the company of his ex strangely comforting.

'Diana, with time, would no longer have found Charles's causes tiresome.

'Rather, she would have empathised and asked his advice about hers.'

Brown also suggests that Diana would have made peace with Camilla.

She says: 'After so many loves and losses, she would finally have let go of her rancour toward Camilla.

Newsweek imagines Diana aged 50 with her admiring daughter-in-law Kate... in article that claims the Botoxed Princess would be Facebook friends with Camilla  5 BFFs: The magazine has Diana tweeting Gwyneth Paltrow, left, to arrange exercise meet ups, and keeping up with a raft of celebrity friends on Facebook, including Anthony Weiner's pregnant wife Huma Abedin, right

Newsweek imagines Diana aged 50 with her admiring daughter-in-law Kate... in article that claims the Botoxed Princess would be Facebook friends with Camilla  6 Gestures: Diana would also have been 'poked' on Facebook by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, according to Newsweek's mocked up version of her profile on the social networking site

'The Duchess's galleon-size Lady Bracknell hat at William's wedding would have offered satisfaction enough.'

While she would have liked her new daughter-in-law, Brown suggests that Diana would initially have felt threatened by her.

She says: 'The rising public adoration of Kate would have afforded Diana some tricky moments

'Diana would have had to adjust to a broadening of the limelight.

Newsweek imagines Diana aged 50 with her admiring daughter-in-law Kate... in article that claims the Botoxed Princess would be Facebook friends with Camilla  7 Fun-loving mother: Diana would have found peace in her two beloved boys William and Harry, says Newsweek

Newsweek imagines Diana aged 50 with her admiring daughter-in-law Kate... in article that claims the Botoxed Princess would be Facebook friends with Camilla  8 ...And finally: The Princess would also have kept up her passion for humanitarian causes, no doubt including her quest to highlight the effect of landmines, as seen in this 1997 picture of her in Angola

'Her edge over Kate, of course, was her own epic of princessly suffering, which would always make Diana's story more interesting.'

The Newsweek piece also features an example of what the Princess's Facebook page might look like.

The mock page shows her having 107,623 friends, which would include U2 singer Bono, Chelsea Clinton, footballer David Beckham, Harry Potter author J K Rowling and tennis champion Rafael Nadal.

The imaginary Facebook wall shows her befriending Camilla Parker Bowles, a move that Prince Charles would have approved by clicking on the 'like' tag.

There is a post supposedly from Sarah Ferguson, saying: 'Hey, Sloane Ranger! It's been so long!!! When are we getting drinks?????'

Meanwhile Princess Diana would supposedly have been rubbing shoulders with David and Victoria Beckham.

One post on the mock Facebook wall from Diana says: 'Sitting with Beckhams front-row at Burberry. Love the shoes!'

Brown also believes the Princess would have continued her charity work including raising money for victims of Hurricane Katrina, the September 11 terrorist attacks and the earthquakes in Haiti and Pakistan.

source: dailymail

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