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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mugged of £2MILLION: 'Gunmen hold up Dubai diplomat' after he draws CASH from bank for his boss


Crime scene: The National Bank of Dubai in Knightsbridge, West London, where an Arab diplomat was robbed as he carried £2million in cash to a waiting limo

Official had gun put to his head as he took cash to limo

Told: 'Give me cash or I'll blow your brains out'

'Getaway car' found by armed police half a mile away

One suspect escaped and is still on the run

Armed robbers held up an Arab diplomat outside a British bank after he withdrew £2million ‘spending money’ for his wealthy royal boss.

Three masked men allegedly struck as the embassy worker carried two cash-stuffed suitcases towards a chauffeur-driven limo outside the National Bank of Dubai in Knightsbridge, West London.

One of the gang put a gun to the man's head and yelled: ‘Give me the money or I’ll blow your brains out.’

Wealthy: Dubai's Al Maktoum family, who the robbed official is thought to work for

The trio then escaped in a Vauxhall Insignia as the terrified official, who is believed to work for a member of Dubai’s royal Al Maktoum family, called the police with his mobile phone.

But 20 minutes later a car was stopped less than half a mile away in Kensington by armed officers in a diplomatic protection squad vehicle.

Two men were arrested. However, one man fled and was still on the run today.

Officers found property in the car including a passport, mobile phone and a high-visibility vest that a witness claims one of the men had been wearing.

A source said: ‘£2million in cash was robbed by three men - the gunman is still said to be on the loose.

‘They threatened an individual with a gun and took two suitcases off him.
‘Some bank staff were loading money into a van with an embassy employee outside the Dubai Bank.

‘The employee had come to collect it on behalf the embassy. I think when the royal family is in town it is protocol to get the cash.

Armed: A police diplomatic squad car, like the one that responded to the 999 call

‘The four men became aware of a male standing close by who pulled out a firearm and said "give me the money or I’ll blow your brains out".

‘The person phoned the police and a car was stopped by a diplomatic protection crew 20 minutes later in Cadogan Place.

‘The two defendants, one in the driver’s seat, were seen with the bags and were arrested.

‘A passport, mobile phone and high-visibility vest was found. The gun has been retrieved.’

The two arrested men were remanded in custody at West London Magistrates court.

Jonathan Haynes, 36, of Horley, Surrey, and Trevor Mair, 45, of New Addington, Croydon, are both charged with robbery and possession of a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence.

They were remanded in custody.

source :dailymail

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