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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Smile you're on canine camera: The dog with the cartoon smile


This smiling dog's human-like expression of happiness has made him an internet sensation

The traditional method of displaying doggy happiness is a wag of the tail.

But this pooch seems to have picked up a few traits from humankind.

Perhaps it was a particularly satisfying game of fetch, or a productive rummage in the kitchen bin, but his elation was just too much to contain with a straight face...and at his owner’s prompt he broke into a broad grin.

The Scooby Doo-style smile has become an internet sensation, with thousands of users sharing the photograph on Facebook and Twitter.

While the identity of the pet and owner have been lost in cyberspace, they appear to add weight to the adage that dogs and their owners begin to look alike over time.

This bichon frise/poodle mix, named Riley, couldn't hide his glee as he celebrated his first birthday with cake

However, this hound's fame is nothing yet compared to that of Riley, the bichon frise/poodle mix pictured smiling while celebrating its first birthday.

The young dog was photographed in a party hat, unable to contain his excitement, as he prepares to devour a cake by its owner Maureen Ravelo, from San Jose, California. The image has since spread like wildfire.

‘Riley always makes faces like this, and that’s the best part about him. He gives you a new facial expression every time that you forget he’s a dog,’ Ms Ravelo told Metro.

‘The most unique part about him is he thinks he’s human like us,’ she added.

source: dailymail

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