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Friday, July 1, 2011

The blue tit gymnast: Mum watches in amazement as bird on a wire gets in a spin on the washing line


Mum watches in amazement as bird on a wire gets in a spin on the washing line  1
Hang in there: This chick gets in a spin as it dangles upside down from the washing line

For birds on a wire, this family of blue tits looked more like they were gearing up for the Olympics than preparing to feast in someone's back garden.

It might only be a few weeks old, but this chick took its feeding time to daring new heights as it perched on a washing line with its mother and sibling.

As its mother looked on, the chick clung on to the wire with its claws and swung itself around - showing off a gymnastic

These amazing pictures were taken by bird lover Judith Wakelam, from Worlington in Suffolk, who has been watching the blue tit chicks in her garden since they fledged three weeks ago.

Miss Wakelam, a civil servant, said: 'A blue tit family had just fledged in my garden and several of them tried to perch on my linen line, this little one was a bit of a show off. I was standing at the kitchen door with a camera. It was funny to watch.'

Several birds visit the wildlife lover's garden daily, including Black birds, Hedge Sparrows, Goldfinches an many more.

Mum watches in amazement as bird on a wire gets in a spin on the washing line  2
Olympic hopeful: The chick seems unfazed by its acrobatic move - but could its mother be getting a little concerned?

She added: 'I am a great bird and wildlife lover. I have got several nest boxes and feeders in my garden.

'It is my main past time outside of work. I am a great wildlife watcher. It gives me hours of pleasure.'

She has been feeding the birds during the recent drought as they struggled to find their own food.

Miss Wakelam added: 'It is better now because we have had the rain but we had an awful drought. Blackbirds could not get any worms because the ground was too hard. A lot of birds had a hard time because of the ground being so hard.'

Mum watches in amazement as bird on a wire gets in a spin on the washing line  3
Chin up: The chick continues to flex its gymnastic prowess while the rest of the family looks on unimpressed

Grahame Madge, an RSPB spokesman, said: 'Even though these blue tit chicks have only been out of the nest for a few days, they have to sharpen their hunting skills if they are to make it to adulthood.

'Blue tits use their notorious acrobatic ability to find insects in the outermost tips of branches and leaves.

'Watched by an adult and a sibling this youngster is acquiring the skills to be a survivor, even if it's only on a washing line.'

source: dailymail

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